Meyer Intelligent Factory one year later

With a huge red flag slowly unfurled, the official start of the Meyer Intelligent Factory operation was given on 29 November last year, with an investment of hundreds of millions of yuan.
After almost a year, all production lines are running smoothly.

Meyer Intelligent Factory, covering an area of almost 70,000 square metres, works for:

  • the assembly of parts;
  • the final assembly of optical sorters, dental CBCT;
  • the assembly of other main products.

In the first phase, some 20 new automatic, intelligent, unmanned production lines were built for major components such as maglev ejectors and printed circuit boards.

The Meyer Intelligent Factory has high quality, high efficiency and is more environmentally friendly.

The factory aims to change the traditional production model through design engineering, thus improving product reliability, production efficiency and reducing resource consumption.Fornisce una soluzione lungimirante per lo sviluppo di alta qualità del settore.

fabbrica intelligente Meyer fábrica inteligente Meyer

With a forward-looking structure, Meyer seizes development opportunities, consolidates competitive advantages and fulfils social responsibilities.

A few days ago, Chinese government ministers proposed to build a batch of smart manufacturing demonstration factories by 2025 with high technical standards and the strong effects they can have for various sub-sectors.

Meanwhile, the State Grains and Reserves Administration published the action plan for the improvement of grain machinery and equipment. Thus, aiming to improve the level of optical sorters for high quality grain and oil and promoting the deep integration of technology within the production department for sectors such as cereals.
The aim will therefore be to improve this type of machine even more.
The internal policy reflects the right foresight in Meyer’s strategic layout and paves the way for further innovation.

fabbrica intelligente Meyer meyer intelligent factory
This is what the smart factory will look like (basis for cladding and sheet metal production)

To fully promote smart manufacturing, Meyer is building another smart factory. To do so, it will occupy an area of almost 100 acres and plans an investment of around 360 million yuan.

For example, the sheet metal bending centre in the intelligent factory building will produce sheet metal parts of different specifications, like a ‘printer’.
Taking the panel in the sorting room as an example, the centre takes only three seconds to bend a flat sheet and the entire process will be finished in just 45 seconds.
But if operated manually, it takes at least 5 minutes to be completed by a skilled worker.
So efficiency is greatly improved and product consistency and reliability are well guaranteed.

In addition, spraying robots and the digital coating management system will be applied in the new intelligent paint shop.

It will increase quality, efficiency and save resources, achieving the goal of carbon neutrality.

Looking back, Meyer is committed to creating value for customers.
Today, in addition to focusing on customer value, Meyer aims for more reliable products and better production.

Tian Ming, President of Meyer, emphasises that we must focus on improving key indicators such as ‘performance and reliability’, maintain technological and process innovation, and strive for consistent quality regardless of one product or 10,000 products.

As 24/7 production is quite common in customers’ factories, the most important thing for the Meyer colour sorter is stable operation.
It is difficult to substantially improve product reliability through intelligent production.
Compared to other industrial equipment, the colour sorter involves four aspects of optics, mechanics, electricity and software and more than 1,000 parts. Moreover, the specifications, structures and attributes of each part are quite different.
Therefore, realising automatic engineering and production is difficult.
Due to the absence of precedents to learn from when initially building intelligent production, Meyer paved the way for a new path through much research.

fabbrica intelligente Meyer rice director
Praise for Amin Hashwani, executive director of the Pakistan Ali Rice Company

If there can be no new road to take, then we choose to improve the road that is already there.

This determination has led Meyer to overcome many difficulties and gain praise from the industry and warm recognition from customers.

Amin Hashwani, Executive Director of the Pakistan Ali Rice Company, commented: “Meyer is indeed reaching a very good level in terms of quality and yield. And this machine helps us to achieve this. This was one of the reasons why we chose Meyer”.

Meyer is currently among the best in the industry.
To implement the value of ‘quality first, customer first’, Meyer focuses on three main areas of agricultural product sorting, industrial X-ray inspection and high-end medical equipment under the guidance of the company’s medium- and long-term development strategy.
Meyer strives to continuously improve product performance and reliability, builds a market-oriented innovation system and integrates industry, academia and research.
In the future, Meyer will develop independent control of core technologies and components, standardisation and modularisation of design sources and intelligence, digitisation of production and manufacturing.

fabbrica intelligente Meyer

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